Sunday, November 18, 2012

The League for Democracy Party (LDP) is a Cambodian political party that was established in March 2006. Its leader is president Khem Veasna.

The League for Democracy Party (LDP) is a Cambodian political party that was established in March 2006. Its leader is president Khem Veasna.
Mr. Khem Veasna

Political ideologies

It believes that all “powers” belonging to the people of Cambodia which is its idea of democracy. The other part of its ideology is nationalism since it wants to protect its “sovereignty”. It also is left wing in its view since it believes in getting people particularly those who are ”young” jobs which the LDP will create by “attracting local and foreign investors in all sectors.” Two other examples of its left wing ideology is trying to find ways of stopping the powerfully rich who grab land want to try to give it to “landless people”. The second point is putting the money of the public society into constructing “schools and hospitals and promote the wellbeing of rural people.” Another example of its right wing ideology is that it wants to create laws and “mechanisms” that will fight “corruption”. "People in one country should direct their leader that come from their selection,so that freedom is useful in that country.

8 Mechanism

This 8 Mechanism is to Reduce the Power of State so, the citizen can have their freedom, rights, and power:
1. The term of office of the Prime Minister must be limited by 2 terms (5years per term) : Prevent from dictatorship that can cause to nepotism that cause damage to the society and the citizen.
2. Prime minister won't be allowed to form his/her own group of bodyguard by himself/herself : The form of his/her own group of bodyguard by himself/herself is like forming his/her own group of armed force that can use to serve his/her ambition and cause a threat to the citizen.
3. The Prime Minister should live in the residence provided by the Government : is a measure to help protect the prime minister that are safe and easy to work responsible and serve the nation.
4. Create an administration court.
5. The role and function as well as the promotion of general of military and police should be approved by the Parliament.
6. The Government Official should be neutral.
7. The Representatives of all levels (Commune/Sangkat, District/Khan and Province/City) should be directly elected and dismissed by the citizen.
8. Using of uninominal system to elect the members of Parliament.

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